Wow... Little bit daunting trying to come up with content for a first post. I thought a blog might be an interesting way of talking about everyday life and my crafting, rather than me talking about it face-to-face with people and boring them to death. Even if no one reads this, it's nice to be able to come here and ramble on!
So, a little about me... I learnt to knit when I was young (my Gran taught me) and I also used to cross stitch. It had been a few years since doing anything crafty (doing an engineering degree greatly reduces the amount of free time anyone has, especially if you're working at the same time!) and I decided to start cross stitching again. I made a sampler for my best friend's wedding, and a generic landscape design. Not content with cross stitch, I also decided I'd give knitting another go. After an itchy scarf made for the boyfriend, I made a few other scarfs using "fancy" yarn. My younger brother became a father, and my little niece is now the proud owner of several pairs of shoes, a cardigan and a hat, all knit by her Aunt. A freind of mine managed to get me interested in crochet, and I began doing some amigurumi. So far I've done an oddish for the boyfriend (he stuck the eyes and mouth on) and a chain chomp. Next challenge is to create an AudreyII from the Little Shop of Horrors for a friend.
When I'm not crafting, I can be found working, helping to organise an annual beer festival, in the gym, chilling out at home with a film/tv series/football/gaming or in the pub. There's a local craft group that actually meets in the pub twice a month, and I've started going to that. Everyone's friendly, asking about your latest projects and offering advice.
On the go at the moment, I have a basic scarf (something simple to pick up and do a little bit on when I have a few spare minutes) AudreyII (which require a litle more concentration, and number counting) and an Epic generation1 Pokemon Cross stitch. I also have a scarf that I need to finish off with a couple of beads, and a baby onesy that needs sewing together (attempted to sew it together once and got annoyed with it).
I've also signed up to NaNoWriMo, and have an idea that hasn't made it to paper yet... Hopefully I'll get some done on it this weekend.
I'll post a couple of pics of things completed/in progress, along with some more info on them.
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