Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Springtime begins - possibly?

So, the weather has been a little bit rubbish the past few weeks, with snow and cold winds, but it looks as though it's finally getting better! The days feel warmer, and the sun is out.

I've been busy the last couple of weeks. I was recently taught how to make crocheted granny squares, and have been making quite a few (I think I'm up to 28 squares now, and learnt how to make them 2 weeks ago) Hoping that I can make a blanket with them, that's a little different to the "traditional" granny square blanket. Saying that, I'm also working on a more traditional rectangular crocheted blanket using the same technique, using varigated yarn. Pics to follow soon.

M'aiq the Liar has been out, and is looking a little more filled in, but there's still lots to do.

Bolero - just needs sewing together, as all of the pieces have been knitted! I hate sewing up, but it needs doing, and I may be able to sew together a few granny squares to break it up a bit.

Stitch-a-long - There's a Sprite Stitch Sampler Stitch-a-long that's started this week which I hoping to be part of. The first band on the sample is Mario Kart, and 2 other game samplers will be announced in the next two weeks - should be exciting!

Running - I was ill the other week, and have fallen behind with the running. I've decided not to sign up for the 10k race in May, as I don't feel I have the fitness required. I'm planning to keep running, for my own enjoyment and fitness.

A long, wordy post - I promise to have pictures next time!

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