Monday, 29 July 2013

Crafty Creatives box13 and a quick update

Poor M'aiq - he's been put to one side again! I feel like I haven't had much time to craft lately, but it might just be that I've been busy with so many different things that I haven't realised how much I've been doing!

I've been considering signing up to Craft Creatives ( for a while now, and this month I finally did it. The company sends out themed boxes of crafty goodness to people that have signed up, and it's £10 a month plus P&P. There's lots of stuff in the boxes, so it's pretty good value for money! This month the box was a little different, as the company were celebrating their first birthday. The theme was floral, and the box contained 5 different kits to make flowers, and a few other bits (silly me didn't take a photo of the contents, but if you follow them on Twitter you can see clever bloggers that did remember!)

I'm not really that into flowers, and I'm not a pink person - it's my least favourite colour - so I was a little dissapointed by the amount of pink in my box (just realised that perhaps I should word that differently...) however, I did make a couple of things:

Firstly, a french beaded flower. I found some pearl-type beads in my stash, so used those for the stamens. Quite happy with how it turned out, and I have plenty of pink beads, and a full pack of yellow beads to make more with. (Decided to use the pink beads first to see how it looked)

There was also a kit to produce a nylon stocking flower, but I thought a butterfly might be a nice make instead. This was fiddly! Not bad for a first attempt, but I'm not sure that it's something I'd want to do again.

There were also kits for making a felt flower, paper rose hair slide and crepe paper rose ball. I'm not sure I'll make these, but I'm sure all the pieces will be useful someday.

I've also managed to complete something this week, yay! Here's my lovely Resident Evil cushion, complete with zip. I had a nightmare with the sewing machine, but got there eventually.

In hindsight, I perhaps should have made the logo larger. Still, it's lovely and soft, and I'm glad I've added something else to the 'completed' pile. (Although I may add a quote to the back of the cushion, not sure what yet).

So, what's next? I'm still plodding away with the Doctor Who Stitch Along (still need to stitch 5, 8, 10 and 11, plus 12 when it's released this week) and need to decide how to quilt it. I can see this being another large project which will take months to complete... I've also been knitting some yarn from my (ridiculously large) stash. It's a fluffy yarn, in pastel shades of blue, purple and pink (ergh). It's being made into a wrap/scarf so it's great for mindless knitting in front of the tv (Band of Brothers - amazing, highly recommend). I've decided it's not something I want to keep, but my mother has decided she likes it, so it will go to her. It takes 5 balls of yarn, and I've just finished the 4th, so I'm almost there! It'll be a relief to finish it, and then I can choose a slightly more exciting project. After I finish sewing up the bolero I made back in April of course. That must be done before starting a new knitting project. Short attention span, me? I don't know what you mean.

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